Monday, December 7, 2009

5. Our 20s

This is my last week of being in my 20s, and Rolland will be following me into the unknown next decade of our lives just a few short weeks after me. It has me a little reflective on how great of an experience my 20s have been. And by great I mean unbearably difficult at times, impossibly confusing at others, more fun (mostly legal) than imaginable mixed in-between and overall a means to becoming the person I am today (hopefully smarter and wiser for it). This is the decade where we figured out how to make it financially on our own, what we wanted to do with our lives career-wise, pulled all-nighters for a variety of different reasons (from the extremely responsible to the extremely irresponsible) and even found our would be spouses along the way. My 29 year-old self certainly could not hang-out with my 20 year-old self, Saturdays now being about movies and "staying up" until 10! I do believe my wild and crazy days are behind me, as are the trials from my 20s (which will make me stronger for my 30s). I'll also take with me so many charished memories of the fun times and the successes along the way that made it worth the ride. As a quote I just saw on a frame says, "It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years."

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